
Mitt- it’s no secret that you and I may not see eye to eye, especially as you have been getting dragged closer and closer to the fringes of the right. But Mitt, I’m really, personally insulted by your opinion of “47%” of American’s that you think see themselves as “victims” that won’t take “personal responsibility for themselves.”
I’d like to introduce you to one of those so called “victims”. The ones you think are self made “victims” because of a lack of “personal responsibility”. Her name is Mom. My mom. She actually is a victim, but also one of the strongest, most hardworking women I have ever met. Let me tell you a little bit about her. Continue reading

Birth Control- Not just for preventing pregnancy

EDITED TO ADD BOLDED INFORMATION Lately, I’ve been very frustrated with the media pushing aside the voices that are arguing for Women’s Rights in this election, saying it’s not an important issue.  Claiming that it is just a social issue … Continue reading